Tanesya T.

R/Shiny Developer at Appsilon

Sometimes work with data, sometimes building things.

Hello there! I'm Tanesya, a data explorer who finds joy in bringing ideas to life and building things. These days, my main focus involves crafting high-quality, custom, and user-friendly R/Shiny solutions for clients at Appsilon. While I mostly do my work in R, currently, I'm also joining an adventure with Devscale Indonesia to explore the nuances of modern JavaScript-based web development.

  1. R/Shiny Developer @ Appsilon

    Creates data visualization and interactive applications, delivering custom, user-friendly R/Shiny solutions, ensuring timely delivery of high-quality projects tailored to client needs.

  2. Data Scientist @ Leaf

    Work closely with Performance Marketing team to fetch, analyze, forecast and visualize clients' performance marketing data from Facebook Ads API. Build and maintain Pacing & Performance dashboard.

  3. Data Science Instructor @ Algoritma

    Mentor, teach and build custom data science course materials and corporate projects. Supervise, lead and manage the development of the company's product team.

  4. OSS Engineer

    1. Sep 2018 - Nov 2018 @ Cybercom
    2. Feb 2018 - May 2018 @ GSM Systems
    3. Jun 2014 - Jan 2017 @ GMI Network
    4. Dec 2013 - May 2014 @ Lintas Media Telekomunikasi

    Provide reports using data from network management tools, execute CR from Optimization Engineer, building dashboards with Microsoft Excel VBA and Microsoft Access.

R/Shiny integration to googlesheet and googledrive


  • R/Shiny application
  • CRUD

A demo of R's shiny application made with rhino to showcase the utilization of googlesheet and googledrive in a shiny application. It sprinkled with a bit of sass and JavaScript for a customized look.

Predicting News Sentiment with LSTM


  • Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning
  • Sentiment Analysis

An online course of sentiment analysis using Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) algorithm with R interface to Keras. Topics covered include text cleaning in R using tidytext and textclean, basics of Neural Network, RNN and LSTM, and LSTM architecture in Keras.

Building Interactive Map for Geospatial Analysis in R


  • Spatial analysis
  • Data Visualization
  • Web Scraping

An online course that teaches how to process and visualize spatial data in R. Topics covered include data wrangling with tidyverse, how to use sf package to work with spatial vector, building static map with ggplot2 and interactive map with leaflet. While not explicitly covered in the course, I also utilized selenium and BeautifulSoup in python to scrape the data used for the material.